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How can we help?

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Trap-Neuter-Return, otherwise known as TNR, is the only method of feral cat population control that has been proven successful.  IMON provide TNR service free of charge to members of the community who request our help.  

Trap Loan Requests


IMON also lends out traps that we are not currently using.  We require a small deposit on the trap that is returned when the trap is returned in good condition.  If you would like to borrow a trap, please follow the application link below. 

Colony TNR


If you need our help with trapping feral cats on your property to neuter please fill out the form. If we have available fosters, kittens that are young enough can be included into our foster programs.  We DO NOT provide TNR assistance on a first-come, first-served basis - but in order of the availability of traps and volunteers.


IMON has a limited amount of volunteers who may be able to help with TNR, trapping and transport. Trappers generally cover an area near where they live.  Our trappers are volunteers with day/night employment and mostly trap in the evenings. 


If you are unable to trap the cats yourself, please complete the form with as much information as you can.  We will check if we have an available trapper who covers the area where the cats are.  


Please note, we DO NOT relocate cats from your property.  This is a TNVR (trap-neuter-vaccinate-return) program only.  If you would like the cats removed from your property, please read about the vacuum effect. 

Ways to Donate

Facebook: @ItsMeoworNever



Mail: IMON P.O. Box 12326, Tallahassee, FL 32308

AmazonSmile: WishList

Cuddly: Transport/TNR Supplies



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